Thursday, August 14, 2008

....Meet the Robinsons, Meet a Life Purpose....

don’t know where to start, but I have plenty to write about and plenty of ink in my pen, so I’ll just let my thoughts splash. Meet the Robinsons is one of the best animated films made in the past decade. Yes, better than Ratatouille, Monsters Inc., Ice Age, etc. Why? This film contains such a strong meaning, and the producers did everything they could to get their message across. Some of the main themes of the movie are living a life with purpose, failure is more important than success, and moving forward. After watching, I couldn’t quite mask my appreciation for the film, so this article was written. Meet the Robinsons is supposedly a children’s movie, but I thoroughly enjoyed it along with the adults I watched the movie with. Now, going along with the catch-phrase of the movie, lets keep moving forward.
Purpose is defined by different people in different ways. For example, Lewis’ purpose was to revolutionize the world with his inventions. Whoa. Now that seems nearly insurmountable for some, but not for young Lewis. No matter how many times he failed, (with adoption, and the prototypes of his inventions) Lewis was always aspiring to improve the world in the best way that he possibly could. For him, it was inventions. For you, it is probably different. It could be filmmaking, writing, entrepreneurship, accounting, making music, drawing, or whatever you like to do. The bottom line is that there is always room, in any career field, for a competent individual who strives to live his/her life with purpose.
Lewis is introduced to us a young inventor, who makes plenty of mistakes on his machines. Why is that? Lack of experience could be one reason, but it helps the filmmaker prove a point: failure is more important than success. If you take a look around, you might notice that the most successful/wealthy people in the world all fail. A lot. If you don’t believe me, go ahead and ask them. Some brave/crazy souls have actually set themselves up to fail intentionally, just because of the experience and opportunity to better themselves. Seems a little extreme, but if you are motivated enough, you can tear through all of your failures. Remember: every time you fail, you are one step closer to success. This is all easier said than done, but who said any of this was easy? When we succeed without failure, we do not gain much. It can actually discourage us in the future when we come face-to-face with failure. So, the next time you are pondering about your past, don’t be surprised to find that you have gained the most life experience from your failures. Remove your fear of failure, as Lewis learned to do, and you are bound to hit success in the forehead.
I recommend it to everyone who hasn’t seen it.Shoot! I was hoping it was going to be the Robinson’s from Lost in Space. I was five years old when that series premiered. I was transfixed.

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